Where is God when bad things happen?
by Luis
On September 11, 2001, the nation of America wept-and
continues to weep. We truly live in a tragic world.
How does the God of the Bible relate to these tragedies?
Where is He when they occur? Can we continue to believe in
a loving God who would permit such terrible things to
These are important questions. God's Word teaches:
1. Accidents and even mayhem are a part of life in a fallen
The moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of
Eden, they brought sin into the world and deadly accidents
and murderous acts soon followed. Cain, the very first
human baby, grew up to become the very first human murderer
Genesis 4:1-8). And accidents
have plagued human kind ever since the race was driven from
No one is exempt, not even the most godly. I doubt few
would question that the apostle Paul was one of the most
effective and dedicated Christian workers in history, yet
his life was peppered with serious accidents until it
finally ended under the blade of a Roman executioner.
Paul suffered through at least as many accidents and
hardships as any of us ever will, and yet their painful
occurrence never shook his confidence in a good, loving
God. Why not?
Unlike us, Paul did not see tragedy as prima facie evidence
against the existence of a compassionate heavenly Father.
In fact, he could write, "for Christ's sake, I delight in
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in
difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong"
Corinthians 12:10). Don't
misunderstand; Paul was no masochist. He didn't delight in
hardships and accidents because he enjoyed pain. No, he
meant that when life overwhelmed him, he knew God would
step in to help. Paul delighted in his own "weakness"
because it was that weakness that gave God the opportunity
to display to the world His own irresistible strength. And
for that Paul was grateful.
Jesus, too, told us to expect pain and difficulties in this
life. "In this world you will have trouble," He warned His
disciples in
John 16:33. And to the
public at large, He said this about the future: "Nation
will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places"
24:7). It isn't a
pleasant thought, but that's the way life is sometimes in
this fallen world. It may shock us, but it shouldn't
surprise us.
Tragedies are always agonizing and often senseless. But
thank God, that is not where the story ends.
2. God is in control, even when it doesn't seem as if He
Events never spiral out of God's control, as if He somehow
lacks the power or insight to direct the affairs of our
little planet. That is why the apostle Paul, a man who knew
intimately the pain of a fallen world, could tell the
ancient Athenians, "The God who made the world and
everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth . . .
.From one man he made every nation of men, that they should
inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set
for them and the exact places where they should live. God
did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out
for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of
us" (Acts
The Bible insists that God is sovereign, that "His dominion
is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation
to generation. . . . He does as he pleases with the powers
of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold
back his hand or say to him: 'What have you done?'"
4:34-35). Even when
tragedies occur and innocent life is taken or maimed, God
remains in ultimate control. Nothing happens that does not
first pass through his loving hands.
We may not fully understand how this can be when we face
painful tragedies, but our lack of understanding does not
diminish or destroy its truth. Before we were born, God
knew exactly how long we would live and how we would die.
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be," the psalmist said to God
Psalm 139:16. And that
remains true whether those days are many or few.
3. God has a purpose in what He allows, even if we don't
know what it is.
From our perspective, tragedies look meaningless and
senseless and chaotic, but God knows how to take even
tragedies and bring good out of them. Although I do not
believe that God causes all tragedies the Bible says He is
incapable of sinI do believe He has a purpose in allowing
painful events to occur. Nothing that happens is a mad,
meaningless accident. We may not understand what His
purposes are, but we can take comfort in the fact that they
exist. God specializes in taking evil and bringing good out
of it.
Does the Lord cause some to die so the lives of others
could be spared and the souls of still others might be
better? No. God is not a murderer. But He does know how to
take tragedy and bring good out of it. When we get home to
heaven, we will finally see His purposes even in the
tragedies of life. Meanwhile, we must continue to believe
that He does have a purpose in everything that happens even
if right now we are unable to see a shadow of what that
might be.
4. Tragedy can serve as a wake-up call.
Oxford professor C.S. Lewis wrote years ago that "pain is
God's megaphone to a deaf world." In that way, some
tragedies may serve as wake-up calls for spiritually
sleeping people. A stubborn, secular, and even blasphemous
society sometimes will be stopped short only when a tragedy
of national proportions takes place. In the flood of the
media reports, sometimes redemptive truth gets out.
In a way, "tragedy" is a big reason why the cross and
crucifixion of Christ still grip our imagination (even
those who reject the Gospel). There is something so
profound about Calvary that even people whose religion has
nothing to do with Christianity, even people who reject
Christ both intellectually and verbally, nevertheless are
gripped by the story.
Thank God, perhaps, that He allows tragedy to so grab
people. But what a shame that it takes such a horrendous
wake-up call for us to open our sleepy eyes.
5. It is possible to embrace hope even in the midst of
I cannot imagine what it would be like to endure a tragedy
without the hope that God offers. Without Jesus Christ,
there is no hope. There is simply an eternal, black, cold,
and unrelenting void.
Just last week I came face to face with a cynical man who
didn't believe in anything. What a miserable way to end
life. I think unbelievers must, from time to time, wish
that they had the hope of eternal life and a home in
heaven. But of course, they have no such thing. Instead
they have cynicism.
Of course, we Christians grieve when those we love are
taken from us, but we do not grieve as those who have no
hope. We do not believe that people cease to exist (except
as memories) when they die; the Bible tells us that we will
again see all those loved ones who put their faith in
Christ. As the apostle Paul writes, "Brothers, we do not
want you to be ignorant about those who die, or to grieve
like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that
Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will
bring with Jesus those who have died in him"
Thessalonians 4:13-14).
Thank God, some atheists come to recognize their
hopelessness and turn from it. A distant relative of mine
who for almost seventy years claimed to be an atheist came
to me one day and said, "My dad was an atheist. I've always
claimed to be an atheist. But now I'm reading the Bible and
trying to get insights, and Luis, if there's a God, I want
to know Him. If there's eternal life, I want to have it.
Can you help me?" At least he was honest, but he waited far
too long to find the hope he lacked.
Hope is readily available to all of us, even in the midst
of tragedy. And not only hope for eternal life and hope of
being reunited with those we love. Hope is available right
now, square in the middle of tragedy, because God has
promised to walk with us through any disaster that might
overtake us.
6. This world is not our final home.
When loved ones die in tragic accidents or at the hands of
wicked men, it is good to remember that this world is not
our final home.
We were created for eternity, and tragedy can never change
that. This is only a transition period, a prelude, to what
God really has in mind for us. But because we usually look
only at the present, we often consider someone's death
premature or untimely. Our perspective is enormously
limited. We tend to look only at what could have been (and
in our minds, should have been) down here on earth. But God
looks at all of eternity. If we are to cope with tragedy,
we must learn to look at it through eternity's lens.
This article
is adapted from Where Is God
When Bad Things Happen? by Luis
Palau (New York: Doubleday).
© 1999, 2001 Luis Palau.